Black sculptures

Black sculpture, abstakt, smooth forms, soft curves.
A happy day, bronze, approx. 37/44/36 cm
abstrakte Bronzeskulptur "Anfang", dunkel patiniert
Beginning, Bronze, about 39/44/25 cm
Black abstract two piece sculpture.
Das Paar (VII), mixed media, 30/24/42 cm
Zwei schwarze Skulpturen, abstrakt, runde Formen, glatte Oberflächen.
The great emptiness and the small joy, artificial stone bronze, approx. 40/24/18 and 36/29/25 cm
Zwei schwarze Skulpturen, abstakt, runde Formen, glatte Oberflächen, einander zugewandt.
Friends, artificial stone and graphite, approx. 25 cm high
Abstrakte schwarze Skulptur mit runden Formen und glatten Oberflächen
Leben (IV), mixed media, approx. 92/48/48 cm
Abstract two piece sculpture of a loving couple
Das Paar (VI), mixed media, 23/14/55 cm
Gruppe aus drei abstrakten schwarzen Skulpturen.
Talk of the town, artificial stone and graphite, 20/14/10 cm
Abstrakte schwarze Skulptur mit runden Formen und glatten Oberflächen
Leben (II), mixed media, approx. 110/49/45 cm
Bronze sculpture of a lying man
In Harmony, bronze, 112x56x53 cm

It's amazing how diverse black sculptures are: Their surface can be deep black or dark anthracite, smoothly polished or matt, structured or smooth, with a slightly green patina or plain. Each species has its own charm and special charisma. What they all have in common, however, is that the absence of color draws particular attention to the form. Calm and self-confident, black sculptures stand on their own.

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